acquisition reform 意味 11
— 18 noviembre, 2020 0 0The industry often uses the word crisis to describe federal acquisition and contracting, and asserts that the “crisis” will continue if pro-contractor reforms are not implemented. 0000004908 00000 n At the risk of sounding cynical, all of these recommendations seem like efforts to hamper federal contract planning, administration, and oversight, and to outsource all phases of acquisition to contractors. Defense Acquisition Reform, 1960–2009. Unfortunately, the government is buying a lot of “commercial” goods, and now services, that are not offered or actually sold anywhere but to the government, including military cargo planes, refueling tankers, and aircraft spare parts.
米国政府用語一覧(べいこくせいふようごいちらん)はアメリカ合衆国の三権の各機関や役職の一覧である。 それぞれにまず日本語訳をあげ、原語での表記を添えた。 David G. Allen Thomas C. Lassman. 米国政府用語一覧(べいこくせいふようごいちらん)はアメリカ合衆国の三権の各機関や役職の一覧である。それぞれにまず日本語訳をあげ、原語での表記を添えた。, 各省とも概ね同じだが、次官の Under が Vice になるなどの例外があるところもある。,米国政府用語一覧&oldid=79132231, 国家安全保障決定覚書 National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM), 国家安全保障大統領指示 National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD), 国家安全保障行動覚書 National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM), 国家安全保障会議情報指示 National Security Council Intelligence Directive (NSCIDs), 行政管理予算局長官 Director of the Office of Management and Budget, 国家薬物取締政策局 Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), 国家薬物取締政策局長官 Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, 国家安全保障事務局 National Security Council Staff (NSCS), 大統領副補佐官 Deputy Assistant to the President, 大統領特別補佐官 Special Assistant to the President, 大統領次席補佐官 Assistant to the President and Deputy White House Chief of Staff, 経済政策担当大統領補佐官 Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, 政策及び戦略計画担当大統領補佐官 Assistant to the President for Policy and Strategic Planning, 広報担当大統領補佐官 Assistant to the President for Communications, 議会担当大統領補佐官 Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, 大統領人事担当大統領補佐官 Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel, 演説原稿担当大統領補佐官 Assistant to the President for Speechwriting, 大統領首席補佐官 Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff, 環境保護庁長官 Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, 会計検査院長(政府監査院長) Comptroller General of the United States, 議会調査局 Congressional Research Service (CRS), 技術評価局 Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), 上院少数党院内総務 Minority Leader of the United States Senate (Senate Minority Leader), 上院多数党院内幹事 Assistant Majority Leader of the United States Senate (Senate Majority Whip), 上院少数党院内幹事 Assistant Minority Leader of the United States Senate (Senate Minority Whip), 上院高齢化問題特別委員会 Senate Special Committee on Aging, 上院倫理問題特別調査委員会 Senate Select Committee on Ethics, 上院情報問題特別調査委員会 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 下院少数党院内総務 Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives (House Minority Leader), 下院多数党院内幹事 Majority Whip of the United States House of Representatives (House Majority Whip), 下院少数党院内幹事 Minority Whip of the United States House of Representatives (House Minority Whip), 下院歳出委員会 House Committee on Appropriations, 下院軍事委員会 House Committee on Armed Services, 下院教育労働委員会 House Committee on Education and Labor, 下院エネルギー商業委員会 House Committee on Energy and Commerce, 下院金融委員会 House Committee on Financial Services, 下院国土安全保障委員会 House Committee on Homeland Security, 下院議院運営委員会 House Committee on House Administration, 下院天然資源委員会 House Committee on Natural Resources, 下院監査政府改革委員会 House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 下院科学技術委員会 House Committee on Science and Technology, 下院中小企業委員会 House Committee on Small Business, 下院公務基準委員会 House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, 下院運輸インフラ整備委員会 House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, 下院退役軍人委員会 House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, 下院歳入委員会 House Committee on Ways and Means, 下院エネルギー自立地球温暖化問題特別調査委員会 House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, 下院情報問題常設特別調査委員会 House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, 合衆国最高裁判所長官 Chief Justice of the United States, 合衆国最高裁判所陪席判事 Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 長官 省: Secretary 、庁(局): Director/Administrator、委員会委員長: Chairman/Chairwoman/Chairperson, 副次官補あるいは副次官代理 Assistant Deputy Under Secretary, 連邦医学図書館 National Library of Medicine (NLM), 国家道路交通安全局 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 運輸保安局 Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 国家情報副長官 Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (PDDNI), 中央情報局長官 Director of Central Intelligence Agency (DCIA), 中央情報局副長官 Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Agency (DDCIA), 長官 Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 連邦準備制度理事会議長 Chairman/Chairwoman of the Board, Federal Reserve System.
By Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) May 19, 2017. I hope not—but that’s essentially what the government is doing with the goods and services labeled “commercial.”. | 0000004656 00000 n 0000003672 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n Thornberry was selected by House Armed Services Committee Chairman “Buck” McKeon (R-CA) to identify ways to reform the Department of Defense and its acquisition processes, and he is the likely chair of the House Armed Services Committee. Walton S. Moody Philip L. Shiman. %PDF-1.4 %����
I often hear about best practices and the ease of buying in the commercial sector, but many of the industry-driven so-called reforms actually get rid of the best practices that businesses use daily, including thorough market research, clear requirement definitions, ample competition, and the use of fixed-priced contracts. For example, the fear is that IT contracting officials might curry favor with prospective employers and the government might get a bad deal. 0000118080 00000 n November 07, 2014, Come on, everyone’s doing it! Simply stated, the government is buying goods and services that don’t have a commercial market and now it doesn’t have access to contractor data that would show whether or not we’re getting a good deal. And government acquisition is a thankless job. An Elusive Goal.
submitted acquisition reform recommendations, charging prices far above “fair and reasonable”, Help the overworked acquisition workforce, Cutting audits and contractor compliance measures, Allowing industry to create contract requirements, Permitting contractors to attend and teach government acquisition classes, Converting permanent acquisition personnel positions to rotating positions, essentially weakening DoD oversight and policy offices, Breaking out specific portfolios to allow experienced government professionals to make contracting decisions. Scott Amey 0000003240 00000 n %%EOF The latest cool kids in town are the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), who are the “pro-growth, fiscally-responsible wing of the Democratic Party.”. 0 In September, the NDC submitted acquisition reform recommendations to Representative Mac Thornberry (R-TX).
GAO-11-209CG. PSC has pushed for acquisition reform for years. Based on the number of DoD Inspector General audits that find contractors charging prices far above “fair and reasonable” prices, I hope those recommendations are rejected. | The AAP even stated in its report that industry has tried to expand “the definition of commercial services far beyond what the record indicates Congress and the FAR drafters intended.”, The basic premise of commercial buying was to force the government to buy goods that are offered in the phone book and at the local mall where competition already rules the day. 0000001784 00000 n Competition is good for taxpayers. Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) Implications for Financial, Acquisition, IT and HR Managers Erin Cavanaugh, DOC FITARA Program Manager Bob Rovinsky, OCIO Senior Advisor . 学校の宿題をする意味は?何のためにしてるの? お昼休みに、会社の後輩のaさんに、 お子さんのことで、ちょっと相談に 乗ってほしいと、話しかけられました。 a「実は昨日、小学校4年生の息子と、 『宿題をやる、やらない』ということで ちょっとした口論に、なっちゃんです。
We should be investing in program and contracting personnel and focusing more on buying smarter, although that may not always be quicker or in a way that pleases contractors. 0000005759 00000 n
For example, despite the Acquisition Advisory Panel (AAP) and the Department of Defense (DoD) imploring Congress to tighten restrictions on commercial item contracting, the NDC is actually recommending that commercial buying restrictions be eased—in essence, adopting the contractors’ talking point on the issue. Acquisition reforms proposed by the NDC have five main themes: The Project On Government Oversight doesn’t disagree with the basic concepts. Congressional and Agency Action • 2009 Weapon System Acquisition Reform Act placed greater emphasis on front-end planning and establishing sound business cases for starting programs. WASHINGTON, D.C., 2011. But for FITARA to get to the President for his signature, Senate and House armed services committees still must sign off. The NDC’s recommendations will most likely add to the problem. DoD has purchased way too many screws or other spare parts that cost just a few cents in the actual commercial market, but for which contractors charged the government hundreds of dollars.
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