4dreplay japan inc 4

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23, JEONGJAIL-RO, BUNDANG-GU, SEONGNAM-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, 3-CHOME-6-4 HATCHOBORI CHUO CITY, TOKYO-TO 104-0032. We provide time-slicing… 4DLive is a media technology that enables immersive viewing of sports events on a mobile device. Our Japanese HQ is the center for our development, design, manufacturing, and sales, bringing together display technology professionals to deliver cutting-edge products across the globe. Australia. Japan Inc has found a new purpose for automation: business continuity in the uncertain era of Covid-19. We provide the high reliability required in industrial applications. 4DReplay, a member company of the Born2Global Centre, will be providing its 4DLive solution for Japanese multinational company Softbank's 5G mobile communications service. 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We create interactive spaces that go beyond the expected, elevate everyday lives, and move people's hearts. 昨日KDDIがIoTスタートアップのソラコムを買収したニュースは大きな話題となった。以前からスタートアップの買収や出資、共同開発に積極的だったKDDIだが、また新たなスタートアップとの協業を進める。, KDDIは8月3日、自由視点映像技術を活用したシステム「4D REPLAY」を提供する4D REPLAYに出資したことを明らかにした。この出資はグローバルブレインが運営する「KDDI Open Innovation Fund」を通じてのもので、金額は非公開。, 4D REPLAYは2012年に韓国研究所を設立したのが始まりで、現在はアメリカのサンノゼに本社を構えるスタートアップ。同社が開発するのは「自由視点映像」と呼ばれる、少数台のカメラで撮影した映像を元に、撮影されていないアングルの映像を生成することができる技術だ。以下の動画(特に開始30秒以降)をみればどんな映像が作れるか分かるだろう。, これまでも韓国のプロ野球やWBC(ワールドベースボールクラシック)の中継で自由視点映像を提供してきた実績がある。今後はスポーツ会場の大型ビジョンや家庭用テレビで映像を提供することに加え、スマホやタブレット上でユーザーが任意の視点でライブ映像を楽しめるサービスを目指す。, KDDIもこれまで自社で自由視点映像の研究に取り組んできた。今回5~10秒という短い処理時間で映像生成できる技術を持つ4D REPLAYへの出資を通じて、この分野での研究開発を進めていく方針だ。加えて日本国内における法人顧客の開拓やサービス開発もサポートしていくという。, また国内での4D REPLAYを活用した初の事例として、8月5日と6日に札幌ドームで行われる北海道日本ハムファイターズvs.オリックス・バファローズの映像を撮影する。映像は同球場の大型ビジョンとCS放送で放映されるほか、スポーツメディア「SPORTS BULL」でアーカイブ配信される予定だ。. We provide an unprecedented viewing experience. our top-of-the-line technology within 5 seconds. For the past 5 years, we have worked at 1,200+ events globally, teaming with major broadcasting companies, professional teams, and sports associations. 4DReplay creates the highlight videos in 2.5 to 5 seconds, 4DReplay has worked in over  1,200 games around the world, in a variety of sports, 4DLive can live stream through cloud technology, 4DReplay captures videos in 4K and the processed video can be accessed in 4K as well, This experience provides unique perspectives on all the games. 23, JEONGJAIL-RO, BUNDANG-GU, SEONGNAM-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, 3-CHOME-6-4 HATCHOBORI CHUO CITY, TOKYO-TO 104-0032. TOYOTA MOTOR EAST JAPAN, INC. has been at the core of the Toyota group, serving as a key base for development and production. San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley), Operating Status of Organization e.g. Our aging society and the rise in lifestyle diseases have made it ever more important to prevent disease using visualization. Our Japanese HQ is the center for our development, design, manufacturing, and sales, bringing together display technology professionals to deliver cutting-edge products across the globe. 4DReplay Japan, Chuo. Chile. The future may belong to autonomous and electric cars. We provide an unprecedented viewing experience. 4DReplay has been an active member of the Born2Global Centre since 2017. Alongside these developments, there is increasing demand for new interfaces with high performance and improved design. 4DReplay provides time-slicing videos that showcase any-time, any-angle highlights with an unprecedented level of detail. commentary and analysis you can trust. 4DReplay Information Technology and Services San Francisco, California 203 followers We provide time-slicing videos that showcase any-time, any-angle highlights with an unprecedented level of detail. Our sales office is in Silicon Valley, California, an area that is home to the head offices of global IT companies, start-up companies, and the laboratory of Stanford University. 4DReplay provides time-slicing videos that showcase any-time, any-angle highlights with an unprecedented level of detail. Popular Codes. Our goal is to become a partner with our customers, creating energy-efficient devices with a wide viewing angle, high resolution, and durability, that can display information accurately in any indoor or outdoor environment. This includes the highest quality 4K cameras, as well as a series of industry-leading processors, consoles, and hubs. They specialized in developing a 4D video solution, comprised of a set of 4K cameras and video editing software. Seed, Series A, Private Equity), Whether an Organization is for profit or non-profit, General contact email for the organization. We have created high resolution, high contrast, and sensitive image displays using IPS (In-Plane Switching) liquid crystal and LTPS (Low-Temperature Polysilicon) technology that enable medical professionals to discover lesions and make accurate judgments quickly. Environmental Aspects (Environmental Burden). 国内の実施事例 2017年10月 プロ野球 日本シリーズ第2戦 2019年8月 2019年世界柔道選手権東京大会 2020年6月 Softbank Hawks ホーム全試合 他、海外含め多数。 Under the management philosophy, recognizing that global environment conservation is one of the most important challenges for humanity, we respect people and environment, and aim to contribute to a sustainable society. Stay informed and spot emerging risks and opportunities with independent global reporting, expert Here we integrate production and sales to devise and deliver continuously-evolving products. Development, design, manufacturing, and sales. As the world's first interactive time-slice video production, 4DLive enables sports OTTs to provide an unprecedented viewing experience to their fans and subscribers.

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