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Voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after the electronic devices crashed, state officials said. (...) Puntuación: ★★★★ (sobre 5).". Enjoy this article?

“We look forward to working with national and local elections security experts to institute best practices and continue to safeguard all aspects of physical and cybersecurity in an ever-changing threat environment.”. And any Democrat can count these, and any Republican can recount these. Ron DeSantis drafts ‘anti-mob’ legislation to protect local businesses Florida to Allow Citizens to Shoot Rioters & Looters Who Target Their Property.

Other people who did not bring their id was sent away. DOMINION WATCH OUT! It’s not clear why other Georgia counties did not have the problems Morgan and Spalding had.”, https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/04/georgia-election-machine-glitch-434065, I also find it interesting that one of the top lobbyists for Dominion Voting Systems is none other than Nadeam Elshami former top aide for…NANCY PELOSI. Dominion Voting Systems also won a $6.1 million contract to provide voting systems to Arizona’s Maricopa County. 12 es una película dirigida por Nikita Mikhalkov con Sergey Makovetskiy, Nikita Mikhalkov, Sergey Garmash, Valentin Gaft, Aleksei Petrenko .... Año: 2007.

"Aunque la apuesta no le ha salido mal y es aceptable, todo el rato estoy pensando que no hacía ninguna falta", "Adiós a la claustrofobia, a la sensación de tiempo real, al misterio sobre la fisonomía.

like 2 errors that weren’t even glitches. She did not present any evidence to support her claims. Tried to listen but could not get volume. Its disgusting the coo are so corrupt. Several counties in Pennsylvania are also Dominion Voting Systems clients including Montgomery County, with it’s 556k registered voters. 2.

Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Predictive, should be, plus with Hammer 3% of votes switch R to D. It’s a little convenient that those particular states use it. ITS A TAKE OVER. We hope that it would continue to extent its width in coming times. It would be very interesting to follow and hunt down the so called glitch. Owners include: Senator Feinstein and her husband as well as the Clinton Foundation. You know, someone who has absolutely no technical knowledge. (The Center Square) – The Dominion Voting Systems, which has been used in multiple states where fraud has been alleged in the 2020 U.S. Election, was rejected three times by data communications experts from the Texas Secretary of State and Attorney General’s Office for failing to meet basic security standards. Both a battleground state and a Dominion Voter Systems customer. More about our capability in the K–12 Student Assessment field >, Apply new ideas to improve the power of student assessment. Very sad news that a faulty software might have used for the election. Keep counting until we win. The problem is that our US congressmen have invested in the Communist Chinese stock market, which Marco Rubio wants stopped as a conflict of interest.

Writing error traps, making redundant records to be analyzed by subroutines that check for errors in data transfer is computer science 102. 50 Cent endorses Trump after seeing Biden’s tax plan! Constitution of … I AM 100 PERCENT SURE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP WON AND WON BIG . Why wouldn’t you want every voter to be identified by ID of some sort.

haha ! Non-citizens were added to the voter rolls with in +++ 178 No-Ice-Detainer Counties, 15+ states issue undocumented immigrants with driver’s licenses. Mich up 700 thousand somewhere around 3am or 4am lead almost gone! Leverage our strengths to design an optimal assessment experience for students and teachers. Hillary emphatically stated…. “That is something that they don’t ever do. Let’s restore faith and trust in the system. Not fraud, they are republicans, but a weak spot in the process. Take a minute to support Freight Broker Live on Patreon!

Could there be additional inaccuracies, that possibly went undiscovered? I could go on and on and on. Will you have a problem Voting In Person – no mail in ballot – in person at the polling station only. More about our K–12 State Assessments and federal and professional collaborations >, Explore school-based programs that support your professional practices. 1. https://smartelections.us/dominion-ice, Decertification recommendation in Texas of the Dominion voting machine. Hmmm ya right now a senator is involved…wonder if they are rebublican….no kidding i know…, oh and the hammer and scorecard dialed in to a 51 to 49 win hmmm. Officials in Antrim County, Michigan, discovered a software “glitch,” which caused roughly 6,000 Trump votes to be switched over to Biden. “Election officials and voters alike can be assured they are using the most modern, accessible, and security-focused system on the market today, with paper ballots for every vote cast to ease auditing and ensure confidence in results,” Dominion CEO John Poulous said. 6kx64 counties= Trump was robbed and this needs to be corrected! The husband of a California democrat senator owns 60% of that company, Former Clinton Foundation board member any wonder why Hillary told Biden not to concede no matter the result. For months now the demcrats and the media have been telling us; Mail-in ballots favor democrats. And if corruption is let go once again by our Democratic counting ballot states and no FBI or Doj! Antrim county made a mistake when they only updated some of their tabulators for an election update. Can it be proven to the point that Donald Trump can remain president, we’ll have to wait and see. The Officer shot a man... Boston Police released a video of a man who was viciously attacked by a group of dirt bikers who repeatedly attacked a... Stephen Oatley is the CEO and founder of Freight Broker Live. PT News Network is a media outlet covering breaking news, events and topics specifically geared towards Americans seeking real news! (...) un inmoral giro final y convierte una pieza perfecta de 96 minutos en un grandilocuente tostón de casi tres horas. They claim it wasn’t a software mistake, but a user one, but then also unnecessarily mention that the software wasn’t updated. Besides, most of counties don’t have 6,000 people. One subsidiary is Smartmatic, a company “that has played a significant role in the U.S. market over the last decade,” according to a report published by UK-based AccessWire. 5. Why would you change the rules to make your election less safe against fraud. The voter software company linked to the “glitch,” which caused roughly 6,000 Trump votes to be credited to Biden in a Michigan county also services as many as 64 other counties in Michigan. More about our research and public policy in the K–12 Student Assessment field >, Learn about the assessments we develop and support and the communities we serve. More about our school-based programs and services for K–12 >, Sign up for our eNewsletter, Trends & Innovations. Mentioned during a Fox News interview by host Maria Bartiromo were Nadeam Elshami, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff who last year became a lobbyist for Dominion, and Richard Blum, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband, who she said is a significant shareholder in the company.”.

Better assessments mean better information for you to make meaningful decisions in your state, districts and schools. Litigation over Smartmatic “glitches” alleges they impacted the 2010 and 2013 mid-term elections in the Philippines, raising questions of cheating and fraud. I’ve watched all sorts of media on this and its just amazing how foreign media and leaders are already calling this race even though its all but settled. Si no estás registrad@ puedes contactarnos vía Twitter, FB o por email a info -arroba- filmaffinity -punto- com. Then about 10pm Pennsylvania stopped counting at that point Trump up by 17 pts! ETS K–12 Student Assessment Programs. Si alguna sinopsis cuenta demasiados detalles del argumento -o para corregir errores o completar datos de la ficha o fecha de estreno- puedes mandarnos un mensaje.

Nevada is another state. I learnt that Colorado based company is owned by people from Democrat.

6. Clark County has a $28.7 million dollar contract, which was amended in September to “upgrade its ballot reading capability,” according to the Las Vegas Sun. This is not a kid’s playground, election is crucial for the nation. An independent review of the source codes used in the machines found multiple problems, which concluded, “The software inventory provided by Smartmatic is inadequate, … which brings into question the software credibility,” ABS-CBN reported. Trump has interfered with their big profits from the Communist Chinese stock market by creating jobs here again and bringing jobs back and negotiating an agreement in which China must buy some things from us a fairness. It is important to realize Dominion Voter System is said to provide roughly 35% of the nation’s voter systems and software. All rights reserved. about our capability in the K–12 Student Assessment field, about our research and public policy in the K–12 Student Assessment field, about our K–12 State Assessments and federal and professional collaborations, about our school-based programs and services for K–12. Arizona is another contested battleground state in the 2020 elections.

Sad thing is, no one seems to care on the left. By night, Steve is a vlogger, podcaster and logistics industry expert who lives and breathes logistics.

Tabulators are programmed to scan hand marked, paper ballots. Reading a data entry card and keeping a count is one of the most basic computer coding tasks you learn in computer science 101. Explore our site to learn more about how we can work with you to measure student learning. Biden voted with 237 other Congressmen to send our Millions of jobs and our factories to Communist China in 1999. To advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, research and related services. Excellent work spreading the news the rest of the mSm overlooks.

When asked who myself and my wife like to win We say we dont like our President we love him!

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